NFPA 72-2025 Significant Changes – Effective in CA on January 1st, 2026
Friday, March 21, 2025
Electrical Training Alliance of Silicon Valley, 1873 Barber Lane, Milpitas, CA 95035
CA Licensed Fire Protection Engineer
27 yrs. experience in Fire Protection Engineering
Principal AHJ member – NFPA 72 Technical Committee SIG-PRO since 2012
AHJ Member national elevator safety Code ASME A17.1 – Emergency Operations & Hoistway Technical committees
NFPA 72 and ASME A17.1 Task Group member on Fire Service Access Elevators & Occupant Evacuation Elevators
AHJ Member – Calif. State Fire Alarm Code Advisory Committee
Chair of the elevator committee for the CA Existing Building Code
Served as Fire Code Official on the Calif State – Bldg. Fire & Other Code Advisory Committee to the Calif. Bldg. Stds. Commission
AHJ Member 2019-2020 CSFM Elevator Work Group to Changes in CBC Chapter 30 – Elevators
Past President – Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) of the Nevada-Northern CA Chapter
- The current applicable NFPA 72 Code in the state of CA is the 2022 Edition. The NEW 2025 Edition was published in October 2024 and it was adopted by the 2025 CA Building Code (CBC) and the CA Fire Code (CFC) which will become effective in CA on January 1st, 2026. Therefore the 2025 Edition of NFPA 72 will also become effective in CA on January 1st, 2026.
- The new 2025 Edition of NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code includes many significant changes regarding fire alarm systems and other signaling systems such as two-way emergency communications systems. Many significant changes have been made regarding the interface between fire alarm and signaling systems and other building systems such as elevators (Standard overhead and MRL Elevators, Fire Service Access Elevators and Occupant Evacuation elevators) , Cyber Security (New Chapter 11), Survivability of Pathways, audible and visual notification and more.
- The new 2022 changes will affect the design, installation, inspection and enforcement procedures of new fire alarm and signaling systems. This class is intended to identify, discuss and clarify the NEW code changes only. It is not the intent of this class to cover the entire design and installation requirements for fire alarm and signaling systems included in the NFPA 72 Code.
- The NEW changes will be presented and discussed on a chapter-by-chapter basis with examples and Q&A to clarify and address specific issues and questions.
- This class is taught by Fire Protection Engineer, Sagiv Weiss-Ishai, P.E., with over 25 years of experience in the Fire Protection field. Sagiv serves as a principal member on the SIG-PRO Technical Committee of NFPA 72 and is responsible for many of these code changes.
- Clarify and discuss NFPA 72-2025 structure and chapters' arrangement and discuss the NFPA code making and code changes procedures.
Five and one-quarter (5.25) Continuing Education Hours (CEH) will be awarded to students on completion of training. The CEHs can be converted to Continuing Education Units (CEUs) by the WBFAA. There is no cost for conversion if you are a WBFAA member. Cost may apply to non-members.
Our goal for in-person training is to be able to offer at least one in-person training session, in each region, per topic. And offer multiple topics throughout 2025.
FPE and CAFAA will be developing new course material to meet the ever-changing needs of our membership, for a fresh, high-quality, California-centric curriculum.
Sagiv Weiss-Ishai, P.E. (Calif. Licensed Fire Protection Engineer) is the principal trainer for FPE and will be the instructor.
*Disclaimer: As the course trainer, Mr. Weiss-Ishai will not be representing the SFFD policies or procedures in his course delivery. *
Fire Alarm Systems Personnel: Designers, Installers, Technicians, Service personnel, Vendors, Engineers.
Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) and Code Officials Personnel: Fire, Building, Elevator, Electrical, Code Enforcers and Permit Plans Reviewers.
Professionals: Architects, Electrical and Fire Protection Engineers.
Fire Service Personnel: Fire Plan Review Inspectors, Fire Field Inspectors.
- Each student will receive a HARD copy booklet (2-slide per page format, double-sided) at the training site. No electronic files will be sent.
7:30am - 8:00am Continental breakfast
8:00am - 9:45am Training and Q&A
9:45am - 10:00am Break
10:00am - 12:00pm Training and Q&A
12:00pm - 12:30pm Lunch
12:30pm - 1:45pm Training and Q&A
1:45pm - 2:00pm open Q&A session on any class related topic
$199 for California FPOs/AHJs
$299 for employees of a CAFAA member company
$399 for non-CAFAA member attendees
“Future in-person trainings in Nor-Cal and So-Cal will be provided by CAFAA in 2025 – Follow the CAFAA website for more information”
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California Automatic Fire Alarm Association - Why Join CAFAA?